WHELPED 05/30/1982   DIED  04/13/1999

Scintilla was born in 1982 and was special from the start. Kathy finished her championship winning several Specialty Best-in-Shows and Group placements. By the end of 1984, with limited showing, she had an outstanding record. It was then that Dorothy Hageman became Scintilla's co-owner and Barbara Humphries her handler. Little did we know that in the next year,1985, the winning she would do, would gain her a prestigious award.

Scintilla won The Quakers Oats Award because she was the top winning Non-Sporting dog for 1985 winning over 80 group firsts. Kathy, Dorothy, and Barbara attended the award's dinner.

Although Scintilla's show career was extremely successful, winning over 100 groups firsts and 22 All Breed Best In Shows, it was decided to put her show carreer on hold. In 1986 she was semi-retired and stayed home to attend to maternity duties. These breedings produced numerous Champion boy and girl puppies. 

In 1987 Scintilla was in stunning condition and we decided to show her at the PCA National Specialty. To our surprise she won BOB! Her daughter, Ch. Bar King's Wildways Shimmer, went on to win BOB in 1989, the only mother-daughter  combo in all three poodle varieties to win BOB at the PCA National Specialty. In the years since Scintilla and her offspring have figured predominately in many miniature poodle pedigrees. 


Scintilla, the dam of 14 champions, won Best Of Breed at PCA in 1987, 22 all breed Best In Shows and over 100 Group Firsts.  Scintilla produced Ch. Bar King's Shimmer of Wildways (TP, 5) a multiple Best In Show and group winner, who was Best Of Breed at PCA in 1989 and Best Of Variety at PCA in 1988.   Scintilla's daughter, the Best In Show and group winning Ch. Bar King's Kara Deniz (TP, 3), was Best Of Variety at PCA in 1991.  Scintilla is the grandam of the top producing miniature sire of all time, Ch. Parade Kiss and Tell (119).


In the APRIL-MAY 2008 issue of THE POODLE VARIETY:the article:

"ONE of the questions asked:
Looking back please mention at least one Miniature Poodle not owned, bred or shown by yourself, which you particularly admired. Which one of those you have been involved with was the best?"

Luis and Maria Aizcorbe, pp46:
"Ch. Wavir Hit Parade, Ch. Bar King's Scintilla, and Ch. Parade Presentation come to mind as excellent representative of their variety for their type, elegance and showmanship..."

Anne Kennedy, pp47:
"...Ch. Bar King's Sugar Bear Brown led me to Ch. Bar King's Scintilla who led me to today and all her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, nieces and nephews who have graced my home and continue to do so. And, of course, of all these "Cynthia" (Scintilla) has to be the most influential. Her show career was short and yet she became a legend. She comes close to leading the top producers list, and members of her family are the leading producers every year."

Daniel Augustus, pp52:
"I think that Ch. Bar King's Scintilla was very beautiful and important in her contribution to the breed..."

In the pages that follow we will show you more about Scin as well as other Top-winning and Top-producing dogs it has been our pleasure to live with.